ok 8 days nvr blog
well today is the last time i can post b4 i balik kampung :P
seriously not looking forward to it
no bros or frens or couz 2 teman T.T
goin 2 b me sitting in the boring hotel room doing nothing
well mayb i will b entertain by my dad's laptop =.=
hopefully got internet connection at the hotel....if not i gonna sue awana :D
hmm.....crap man....4got everything
the junior board thing chg again.....
this time i'm super happy cse amsyar's in!!!! as serena likes 2 say in her blog - YAY!!!
errr got perhimpunan la...
fight with liyana :D
keep saying the p.a system in the staff room can work
when she do.....laugh at her straight
it was fun....cse got gah see n amsyar wit me
well they really hav nothing to do there
cse jst stare at me doing the work
almost miss the bus =.="
was a fun day ^_^
marvin , vin sen and ammar keep fighting wit nat
i jst shut my mouth up
after chg junior - senior again
although i was laughing at wht the 3 of them were saying to nat.....especially marvin
tomolo got some kursus pinpinan thing
can rmb last year's one
building the straw tower - jolin the pro group ldr :D
still can rmb wht happen
to win....your tower must b the tallest
so there was 1 straw tower taller den my group's tower
den 5 min later....that tower collapse so we won :D
funny way of winning =.=
stay back in the hall to decorate the hall for tomorrow
put all the words on the blue board on the stage
i tell u...at that moment....i wish i was as tall as shawn
dam tiring
sweat like mad too :D
best was vin sen
he sweat sweat sweat......i say to him
"eh vin sen....your becoming whiter!!!" LOLL
marvin was getting scolded frm the "timbalans"
so they were talking behind the curtains
den i saw 6 foots on the floor
so i ask myself
"hu's changing behind the curtain??" LOLL
useless vin sen....
ytd i ask him 2 call me at 6.30 to wake me up
he didn't call
so i woke up at 8 n yes.....the kursus thing started at 8
when i reach there....vin sen dam brave....he scold me
"y nvr come bball??"
den i answer
"hu is the baboon hu didn't call me at 6.30???"
vin sen can nvr bang me :D
i sat wit kar sing n vin sen
originally edric but 3 of us shooo him away :D
we hate timbalans!!!
den the ppl gave us nametags
vin sen wanted 2 put his name there "zai" =.="
he n his 'zai'
his maple character names
got a few more but 4got :P
den the ppl collected back our name tags
they put it at the back of the hall
den every1 look back....vin sen kar sing n me couldn't see
so kar sing said
"wow....they did a great job hiding it"
when they ask us to look 4 it
i almost laugh 2 my death
the name tags were on the floor =.="
reason y we couldn't see it was because there were chairs blocking
every1 like in a rush 2 get their name tags
3 of us jst wait for every1 2 take their name tags :D
me n vin sen were in group 4
kar sing fly to group 3
my group was
mei shia
li ping
vin sen
got 1 more girl....4got wht her name was ^_^
they gave out marbles for points
so 1st lecture was Time Management by michael
i donno y....but every1 asked him to do high skool musical dance LOLL
den the form 4's came...
EVERYONE except for natasha was happy they were there =.="
den he gav us a empty timetable so we can fill in wht we did ytd
ask us to put as much detail in it
the funniest was 1.30
me , vin sen n kar sing put in the blank space
"getting scolded by natasha" LOLL
vin sen put all sorts of rubbish
"getting scolded by teacher for doing too much work"
after that we moved to the gazebo
at the gazebo
we had our team colours n form our group's names
my group colour was green
group name - oops...i 4got =.="
got 6 teams so there was blue , yellow , green , and i 4got :D
i can rmb these few colours cse
green - my group
yellow - wait a sec...i'm confuse
farah's group name is EXTREMELY YELLOW....
but natasha's group is GOLDEN RETRIEVER.....but their colour was actually yellow??
u noe wht....4get it :D
so we decorated ourselves wit some of the ribbon thing
kar sing's group very creative
they made a tie out of it -.-
den it was another session
it was taken by....dam what's his name
his session was abt empathy
his session was so dam boring
but his games was so dam fun ^_^
1st....each group will get a container
in each container there is an object covered wit newspaper
so base on the object u get....think of a feeling that relates with your object
my group got grapes so it was curiosity cse u don't noe whether the grape is sour or sweet till u taste it
so base on that feeling....act that feeling out
i have to say our group was the funniest....thanks to vin sen , akmal n me :D
the whole sketch is about akmal deciding to couple with najwa
it was suppose 2 b me n mei shia in the 1st place but THANK YOU vin sen for saving me :P
so me n vin sen were akmal's angel n devil
something like this
i'm suppose 2 ask akmal not 2 couple to concentrate on his studies
n of course vin sen the opposite
but our fight was funny
ya....kinda stupid dialog :P
but wait...haven't got 2 the best part yet
b4 akmal went 2 propose 2 najwa....he ask me n vin sen wht 2 say ( behind stage )
so he ask can he say "your my vanilla in my ice cream"
so we both yes
den when he go out....dam funny man
so he said
"najwa....i love u very much....your like my vanilla in my ice cream"
*pauses for a long time*
"like my sambal in my nasi lemak" LOLLLOLOLOLOLOOLOLL
aiyooO!O!!! i'm laughing like mad typing tis!!! HAHAHAHAHA
akmal....i wonder how r u ever gonna get a girl fren man...
wth man.....sambal in my nasi lemak
ending of story....they coupled....hold hands n bow
when akmal came down....the kdu guy asked akmal
"y jst now....after u hold hands wit najwa....u wipe your hand on your shirt" LOLL
hmm....after that it was another session headed by mr alan
he was dam funny
1st game is very fun....yet very hard 2 describe....
everybody form a big circle
den yr left hand open wide n yr right hand pointing downwards wit 1 finger
so everybody had 2 catch the finger of the person standing on her or he's left.....at the same time avoiding ur finger from being caught from the person on your right
if u don't get it....it's ok
i suck at describing things :D
on my left was kar sing....so i tried to catch him....it was impossible
den mr alan made a new rule
he had to count from 1 to 3
so if he doesn't say 3 and u lifted up your finger....disqualified :P
immediately kar sing got disqualified
den mr alan ask the ppl hu were disqualified 2 watch for ppl who did the same mistake that kar sing did
i was dam scared cse kar sing was like right behind me =.=
2nd game was stacking up 10 nails on 1 nail which is stuck to a wooden block
shakirah was useless in our team LOLL
physics only get 56
how can she get 7 A's for PMR???? :P
natasha group won...they got 5 marbles
every other group had 5 marbles taken away frm them
these made all the other teams hated that team :D
after that we played a game wht i call "The Untangling Game"
i played it b4....but it was only like 8 ppl
this time is was 70 plus people!!!
so 1st every1 make a big big circle n hold hands ( ours was so big it took up the whole hall )
den in some way....tangle yourselves up
n in some way....untangle yourselves up :P
me emily n kar sing felt the most pain....i can tell ^_^
after that we played 1 more game
mr alan asked our group leaders to come out
thank God ours was ammar ( you'll see why in a minute :D )
den....the other group members form a circle facing outwards.....and push your butt with the ppl opposite you....so if u can imagine this situation....we hav form a turtle :P
now y i say thank God ammar was our leader???
cse our group leader has 2 sit on everybody....n everybody has 2 walk all the way to the other end of the hall
choon ho's group had no mercy
they had 2 carry chitra :P
( she's a form 4 prefect....so you might not noe her )
for once....our group got 2nd =.=
after that had a rest
den when mr alan wanted 2 pass the mike to michael....he said
"i'll now pass the mike to mike - hael" LOLL
during the price presentation
when natasha group said the had 41 marbles
1st thing i said
"sure anot....my group missing 10 marbles u noe"
abt the missing marbles.....that was crap :P
but 41 marbles.....mayb natasha rasuah the KDU ppl :D
after the thing ended
went back home wit ammar....mum let me go cc :D
now here's the very funny part
rmb michael....during his talk of Time Management....he kept saying dota and facebook
n guess wht....I SAW IN AT CC!!!!
the moment he saw me he recognize me...
he came 2 me and said
"wht kind of prefect r u doing in a cc???"
i reply back
"wht of college lecturer r u doing in a cc???" LOLL
played dota with him....quite pro man
he went 2 Godlike steak
hmm.....nothing much happen
vin sen didn't come....useless baboon
last day of school and also.....VIN SEN'S BIRTHDAY
but....as useless as he is....didn't come
u noe anot vin sen??? u made izza so sad :D
also....the 2 setians have found out a new way of entertaining ourselves
using the scientific calculator , we do a count down from a certain number =.=
i did from 1 billion minus 100 000
it took 34 minutes u noe!!
prefect barbecue....one of the funniest , stupidest n most frustrating moments of my life
the venue of the prefect barbecue was at wangsa park....so it's quite near 2 my hse
and because of that kar sing came 2 my house and den go to izza's house and all 3 of us walk that together
but at the end it was kar sing's mum hu droved us there
sharmin arrive the same time as us
when we at the park....AND it was 5.40
well....the bbq starts at 5
but typical malaysians n their very unpunctuality
kar sing also another one....say will reach at 5...at the end reach at 5.30 =.="
den we saw edric
he ask us to hold up a sign to show the way to the venue
so me , izza and kar sing hold the sign at the roadside looking like idiots
now this is the best part
what's the point of having a barbecue.....WITH NO CHARCOALS?!?!?!?!?!!
useless ammar....when skool reopens his gonna get it
so me n kar sing cycled to the mamak stall in front of my house
it was SOO tiring cse of two factors
1st factor.....going up hill
2nd factor....bicycle tire had no air
combine these two factors....n you'll hav a tiring tiring uphill journey =.=
went to my house to pump air into the tires
when i told my mum we had no charcoals....i ask whether can help me buy somewhere
so she said buy from carrefour
she was quite angry....saying how irresponsible i was
i tell the truth.....she say i lying
but didn't fight back la....trying to be happy right???
den cycle back to wangsa park
u noe what really pissed me off???
aerina already brought charcoals
did u noe at tat point....i felt like picking up a dagger n stab ammar
jst 2 get charcoals....i got grounded from computer for a month.....cycle uphill wit a tire wit no air.....AND cycle back down!!!!
now the nxt best part
wht's the point of having a barbecue....WHEN U CANT LIGHT A FIRE?!?!?!?!?
so every1 ask me buy fire starter from 7 11
this is funny part....i ask the guy at the counter for a fire starter
u noe wht he give me??
a starter for lights
u noe the starter that starts lights??? the little white tube thing???
den i went to the satay guy n ask how he start the fire - tissue
den i went home and ask my mum whether got fire starter
again scold me of my irresponsibility
great.....this time....lock computer
den i cycle back to wangsa in emo mood :D
i have learned too much from vin sen
it was around 8....STILL NO FIRE
den natasha ask a guard to help set the fire
the guard said yes
he used wood and gasoline.....n as wht goose in top gun says
izlin brought her skateboard n her guitar
had fun wit the skateboard :D
1 time....i was sitting n pushing myself with my legs
den these useless emily came n push me
lost control n boom!! fall down into the grass =.="
thongs....funny funny thing man
1st we used it to hold charcoal
den we used it 2 hold rusted things
den we used it to hold chickens when we're cooking it
kar sing in 1 hell of a joker
he didn't trust hawa in cooking the chickens so he cooked his own
he named it "kar sing's chicken"
he used the best thongs to cook the chicken
Hawa obviously scolding him
den the funny part is when kar sing was abt 2 eat his chicken
he keep asking whether he shud eat or not....cse he scared the chicken not cooked
the funny part....after all his hard work of cooking his chicken for 10 mins....he dropped it LOLL
every1 was laughing like crazy
kar sing was like he jst lost his most precious thing =.=
after eating....kar sing had 2 pee.....so he ask me teman him
den we went behind a building ( it was a office ) and pee
den when we joined the group....natasha told us got cctv around the building
kar sing was dam panic
i was as calm as a cucumber cse i was at a camera's blind spot :D
den suddenly got 1 guard come
kar sing was saying "shit shit shit shit shit.....shud i run"
but all the guard wanted was to ask us to keep quiet
now....i'm gonna make vin sen jealous :D
cse....i was riding the bike wit izza behind me LOLLOLL
talk talk talk abit la....
she kept pulling me.....almost fell off the bike once :P
at 10.....me izza and kar sing left
kar sing la....1 2 go home so early.....party pooper much
u noe wht....now i noe u don't need planetshakers for a great concert
cse u can hav the band members from Paradise Community Church!!!!!!
man it was like having a planetshakers concert in your church
i wonder whether the old ppl could stand the noice
so darn loud
the lead singer look abit like Pierre Bouvier hu is the lead singer for Simple Plan
that's y adrian n lawrence nicknamed the lead singer simple plan LOLL
i'll show u a pic
well today is the last time i can post b4 i balik kampung :P
seriously not looking forward to it
no bros or frens or couz 2 teman T.T
goin 2 b me sitting in the boring hotel room doing nothing
well mayb i will b entertain by my dad's laptop =.=
hopefully got internet connection at the hotel....if not i gonna sue awana :D
hmm.....crap man....4got everything
the junior board thing chg again.....
this time i'm super happy cse amsyar's in!!!! as serena likes 2 say in her blog - YAY!!!
errr got perhimpunan la...
fight with liyana :D
keep saying the p.a system in the staff room can work
when she do.....laugh at her straight
it was fun....cse got gah see n amsyar wit me
well they really hav nothing to do there
cse jst stare at me doing the work
almost miss the bus =.="
was a fun day ^_^
marvin , vin sen and ammar keep fighting wit nat
i jst shut my mouth up
after chg junior - senior again
although i was laughing at wht the 3 of them were saying to nat.....especially marvin
tomolo got some kursus pinpinan thing
can rmb last year's one
building the straw tower - jolin the pro group ldr :D
still can rmb wht happen
to win....your tower must b the tallest
so there was 1 straw tower taller den my group's tower
den 5 min later....that tower collapse so we won :D
funny way of winning =.=
stay back in the hall to decorate the hall for tomorrow
put all the words on the blue board on the stage
i tell u...at that moment....i wish i was as tall as shawn
dam tiring
sweat like mad too :D
best was vin sen
he sweat sweat sweat......i say to him
"eh vin sen....your becoming whiter!!!" LOLL
marvin was getting scolded frm the "timbalans"
so they were talking behind the curtains
den i saw 6 foots on the floor
so i ask myself
"hu's changing behind the curtain??" LOLL
useless vin sen....
ytd i ask him 2 call me at 6.30 to wake me up
he didn't call
so i woke up at 8 n yes.....the kursus thing started at 8
when i reach there....vin sen dam brave....he scold me
"y nvr come bball??"
den i answer
"hu is the baboon hu didn't call me at 6.30???"
vin sen can nvr bang me :D
i sat wit kar sing n vin sen
originally edric but 3 of us shooo him away :D
we hate timbalans!!!
den the ppl gave us nametags
vin sen wanted 2 put his name there "zai" =.="
he n his 'zai'
his maple character names
got a few more but 4got :P
den the ppl collected back our name tags
they put it at the back of the hall
den every1 look back....vin sen kar sing n me couldn't see
so kar sing said
"wow....they did a great job hiding it"
when they ask us to look 4 it
i almost laugh 2 my death
the name tags were on the floor =.="
reason y we couldn't see it was because there were chairs blocking
every1 like in a rush 2 get their name tags
3 of us jst wait for every1 2 take their name tags :D
me n vin sen were in group 4
kar sing fly to group 3
my group was
mei shia
li ping
vin sen
got 1 more girl....4got wht her name was ^_^
they gave out marbles for points
so 1st lecture was Time Management by michael
i donno y....but every1 asked him to do high skool musical dance LOLL
den the form 4's came...
EVERYONE except for natasha was happy they were there =.="
den he gav us a empty timetable so we can fill in wht we did ytd
ask us to put as much detail in it
the funniest was 1.30
me , vin sen n kar sing put in the blank space
"getting scolded by natasha" LOLL
vin sen put all sorts of rubbish
"getting scolded by teacher for doing too much work"
after that we moved to the gazebo
at the gazebo
we had our team colours n form our group's names
my group colour was green
group name - oops...i 4got =.="
got 6 teams so there was blue , yellow , green , and i 4got :D
i can rmb these few colours cse
green - my group
yellow - wait a sec...i'm confuse
farah's group name is EXTREMELY YELLOW....
but natasha's group is GOLDEN RETRIEVER.....but their colour was actually yellow??
u noe wht....4get it :D
so we decorated ourselves wit some of the ribbon thing
kar sing's group very creative
they made a tie out of it -.-
den it was another session
it was taken by....dam what's his name
his session was abt empathy
his session was so dam boring
but his games was so dam fun ^_^
1st....each group will get a container
in each container there is an object covered wit newspaper
so base on the object u get....think of a feeling that relates with your object
my group got grapes so it was curiosity cse u don't noe whether the grape is sour or sweet till u taste it
so base on that feeling....act that feeling out
i have to say our group was the funniest....thanks to vin sen , akmal n me :D
the whole sketch is about akmal deciding to couple with najwa
it was suppose 2 b me n mei shia in the 1st place but THANK YOU vin sen for saving me :P
so me n vin sen were akmal's angel n devil
something like this

i'm suppose 2 ask akmal not 2 couple to concentrate on his studies
n of course vin sen the opposite
but our fight was funny
akmal : hu r u??
ivan : i'm your angel
akmal : n hu r u??
vin sen : i'm your devil laa
ivan : akmal....u shouldn't couple wit her....u must concentrate on yr studies
vin sen : dont listen to him laaa.....couple wit her
ivan : nono....u dont listen to HIM.....don't u noe he got 0 for his moral n i got 100??? that's y i'm your angel n his yr devil!!!!
vin sen : so wht he got 100 for moral??? he may b smart....but he has no common sense!!!
ivan : i don't need common sense to noe wht's right n wrong....another reason y i'm his angel n your devil
ivan : i'm your angel
akmal : n hu r u??
vin sen : i'm your devil laa
ivan : akmal....u shouldn't couple wit her....u must concentrate on yr studies
vin sen : dont listen to him laaa.....couple wit her
ivan : nono....u dont listen to HIM.....don't u noe he got 0 for his moral n i got 100??? that's y i'm your angel n his yr devil!!!!
vin sen : so wht he got 100 for moral??? he may b smart....but he has no common sense!!!
ivan : i don't need common sense to noe wht's right n wrong....another reason y i'm his angel n your devil
ya....kinda stupid dialog :P
but wait...haven't got 2 the best part yet
b4 akmal went 2 propose 2 najwa....he ask me n vin sen wht 2 say ( behind stage )
so he ask can he say "your my vanilla in my ice cream"
so we both yes
den when he go out....dam funny man
so he said
"najwa....i love u very much....your like my vanilla in my ice cream"
*pauses for a long time*
"like my sambal in my nasi lemak" LOLLLOLOLOLOLOOLOLL
aiyooO!O!!! i'm laughing like mad typing tis!!! HAHAHAHAHA
akmal....i wonder how r u ever gonna get a girl fren man...
wth man.....sambal in my nasi lemak
ending of story....they coupled....hold hands n bow
when akmal came down....the kdu guy asked akmal
"y jst now....after u hold hands wit najwa....u wipe your hand on your shirt" LOLL
hmm....after that it was another session headed by mr alan
he was dam funny
1st game is very fun....yet very hard 2 describe....
everybody form a big circle
den yr left hand open wide n yr right hand pointing downwards wit 1 finger
so everybody had 2 catch the finger of the person standing on her or he's left.....at the same time avoiding ur finger from being caught from the person on your right
if u don't get it....it's ok
i suck at describing things :D
on my left was kar sing....so i tried to catch him....it was impossible
den mr alan made a new rule
he had to count from 1 to 3
so if he doesn't say 3 and u lifted up your finger....disqualified :P
immediately kar sing got disqualified
den mr alan ask the ppl hu were disqualified 2 watch for ppl who did the same mistake that kar sing did
i was dam scared cse kar sing was like right behind me =.=
2nd game was stacking up 10 nails on 1 nail which is stuck to a wooden block
shakirah was useless in our team LOLL
physics only get 56
how can she get 7 A's for PMR???? :P
natasha group won...they got 5 marbles
every other group had 5 marbles taken away frm them
these made all the other teams hated that team :D
after that we played a game wht i call "The Untangling Game"
i played it b4....but it was only like 8 ppl
this time is was 70 plus people!!!
so 1st every1 make a big big circle n hold hands ( ours was so big it took up the whole hall )
den in some way....tangle yourselves up
n in some way....untangle yourselves up :P
me emily n kar sing felt the most pain....i can tell ^_^
after that we played 1 more game
mr alan asked our group leaders to come out
thank God ours was ammar ( you'll see why in a minute :D )
den....the other group members form a circle facing outwards.....and push your butt with the ppl opposite you....so if u can imagine this situation....we hav form a turtle :P
now y i say thank God ammar was our leader???
cse our group leader has 2 sit on everybody....n everybody has 2 walk all the way to the other end of the hall
choon ho's group had no mercy
they had 2 carry chitra :P
( she's a form 4 prefect....so you might not noe her )
for once....our group got 2nd =.=
after that had a rest
den when mr alan wanted 2 pass the mike to michael....he said
"i'll now pass the mike to mike - hael" LOLL
during the price presentation
when natasha group said the had 41 marbles
1st thing i said
"sure anot....my group missing 10 marbles u noe"
abt the missing marbles.....that was crap :P
but 41 marbles.....mayb natasha rasuah the KDU ppl :D
after the thing ended
went back home wit ammar....mum let me go cc :D
now here's the very funny part
rmb michael....during his talk of Time Management....he kept saying dota and facebook
n guess wht....I SAW IN AT CC!!!!
the moment he saw me he recognize me...
he came 2 me and said
"wht kind of prefect r u doing in a cc???"
i reply back
"wht of college lecturer r u doing in a cc???" LOLL
played dota with him....quite pro man
he went 2 Godlike steak
hmm.....nothing much happen
vin sen didn't come....useless baboon
last day of school and also.....VIN SEN'S BIRTHDAY
but....as useless as he is....didn't come
u noe anot vin sen??? u made izza so sad :D
also....the 2 setians have found out a new way of entertaining ourselves
using the scientific calculator , we do a count down from a certain number =.=
i did from 1 billion minus 100 000
it took 34 minutes u noe!!
prefect barbecue....one of the funniest , stupidest n most frustrating moments of my life
the venue of the prefect barbecue was at wangsa park....so it's quite near 2 my hse
and because of that kar sing came 2 my house and den go to izza's house and all 3 of us walk that together
but at the end it was kar sing's mum hu droved us there
sharmin arrive the same time as us
when we at the park....AND it was 5.40
well....the bbq starts at 5
but typical malaysians n their very unpunctuality
kar sing also another one....say will reach at 5...at the end reach at 5.30 =.="
den we saw edric
he ask us to hold up a sign to show the way to the venue
so me , izza and kar sing hold the sign at the roadside looking like idiots
now this is the best part
what's the point of having a barbecue.....WITH NO CHARCOALS?!?!?!?!?!!
useless ammar....when skool reopens his gonna get it
so me n kar sing cycled to the mamak stall in front of my house
it was SOO tiring cse of two factors
1st factor.....going up hill
2nd factor....bicycle tire had no air
combine these two factors....n you'll hav a tiring tiring uphill journey =.=
went to my house to pump air into the tires
when i told my mum we had no charcoals....i ask whether can help me buy somewhere
so she said buy from carrefour
she was quite angry....saying how irresponsible i was
i tell the truth.....she say i lying
but didn't fight back la....trying to be happy right???
den cycle back to wangsa park
u noe what really pissed me off???
aerina already brought charcoals
did u noe at tat point....i felt like picking up a dagger n stab ammar
jst 2 get charcoals....i got grounded from computer for a month.....cycle uphill wit a tire wit no air.....AND cycle back down!!!!
now the nxt best part
wht's the point of having a barbecue....WHEN U CANT LIGHT A FIRE?!?!?!?!?
so every1 ask me buy fire starter from 7 11
this is funny part....i ask the guy at the counter for a fire starter
u noe wht he give me??
a starter for lights
u noe the starter that starts lights??? the little white tube thing???
den i went to the satay guy n ask how he start the fire - tissue
den i went home and ask my mum whether got fire starter
again scold me of my irresponsibility
great.....this time....lock computer
den i cycle back to wangsa in emo mood :D
i have learned too much from vin sen
it was around 8....STILL NO FIRE
den natasha ask a guard to help set the fire
the guard said yes
he used wood and gasoline.....n as wht goose in top gun says
izlin brought her skateboard n her guitar
had fun wit the skateboard :D
1 time....i was sitting n pushing myself with my legs
den these useless emily came n push me
lost control n boom!! fall down into the grass =.="
thongs....funny funny thing man
1st we used it to hold charcoal
den we used it 2 hold rusted things
den we used it to hold chickens when we're cooking it
kar sing in 1 hell of a joker
he didn't trust hawa in cooking the chickens so he cooked his own
he named it "kar sing's chicken"
he used the best thongs to cook the chicken
Hawa obviously scolding him
den the funny part is when kar sing was abt 2 eat his chicken
he keep asking whether he shud eat or not....cse he scared the chicken not cooked
the funny part....after all his hard work of cooking his chicken for 10 mins....he dropped it LOLL
every1 was laughing like crazy
kar sing was like he jst lost his most precious thing =.=
after eating....kar sing had 2 pee.....so he ask me teman him
den we went behind a building ( it was a office ) and pee
den when we joined the group....natasha told us got cctv around the building
kar sing was dam panic
i was as calm as a cucumber cse i was at a camera's blind spot :D
den suddenly got 1 guard come
kar sing was saying "shit shit shit shit shit.....shud i run"
but all the guard wanted was to ask us to keep quiet
now....i'm gonna make vin sen jealous :D
cse....i was riding the bike wit izza behind me LOLLOLL
talk talk talk abit la....
she kept pulling me.....almost fell off the bike once :P
at 10.....me izza and kar sing left
kar sing la....1 2 go home so early.....party pooper much
u noe wht....now i noe u don't need planetshakers for a great concert
cse u can hav the band members from Paradise Community Church!!!!!!
man it was like having a planetshakers concert in your church
i wonder whether the old ppl could stand the noice
so darn loud
the lead singer look abit like Pierre Bouvier hu is the lead singer for Simple Plan
that's y adrian n lawrence nicknamed the lead singer simple plan LOLL
i'll show u a pic

"simple plan" in on the left....u tink they look the same???
reason y i scribble on the photo on the left is cse those 2 are the only ppl in the photo hu perform at my church :D
they played most of their songs....theirs songs are quite nice.....my favorite was "I Surrender"
even the song tittle tells it all
it is something which i've been struggling with
is just by letting God control you...surrendering ur whole life to God
the thing i'm struggling with.....is how to do that....
well enuf abt the worship....let's talk abt the sermon
if u think the worship band is cool....wait till u meet their pastor :D
u noe what....i wouldn't had called it a sermon
cse he spend half the sermon telling abt how he propose to his wife
it was so so so so funnny
besides that....his message was very strong n meaningful to me
especially this sentence he said
"when nothing is happening....doesn't mean nothing is going to happen"
after church went home....watch jumper :D
not as exciting den watching in the cinema
nothing much....
jst learned a little on how 2 play canon on piano
i guess 1 of my wishes are coming true after all
finally get 2 play maple
azfar started playing too...his playing a dk
i helped him like crazy
lvl him up 7 times
gave him donno how many items
finally got a hermit...
and my dk still hasn't gone 2 4th job advancement T.T
i'll be posting again on sunday....till den
even the song tittle tells it all
it is something which i've been struggling with
is just by letting God control you...surrendering ur whole life to God
the thing i'm struggling with.....is how to do that....
well enuf abt the worship....let's talk abt the sermon
if u think the worship band is cool....wait till u meet their pastor :D
u noe what....i wouldn't had called it a sermon
cse he spend half the sermon telling abt how he propose to his wife
it was so so so so funnny
besides that....his message was very strong n meaningful to me
especially this sentence he said
"when nothing is happening....doesn't mean nothing is going to happen"
after church went home....watch jumper :D
not as exciting den watching in the cinema
nothing much....
jst learned a little on how 2 play canon on piano
i guess 1 of my wishes are coming true after all
finally get 2 play maple
azfar started playing too...his playing a dk
i helped him like crazy
lvl him up 7 times
gave him donno how many items
finally got a hermit...
and my dk still hasn't gone 2 4th job advancement T.T
i'll be posting again on sunday....till den
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