ok today alot of thing 2 talk abt cse spend 1 whole day at church :P
ok woke up at 6....nick ur gonna get it!!! y??? cse i ask him 2 wake me up but he didnt...
actually i also woke up together wit him...cse he kik me at my stomach...yes ouch!!!!
den u noe wht i did??? i pretended 2 sleep n wait till he wake me up...which didn't happened
oh ya the reason y we woke up tht early cse we wanted 2 go football n some ppl bball
yes my church has a bball court....isn't FGT the best church ever?? :D
i didn't play course my leg still hurt since i got trip over 3 times ytd!!!! so i toke some pictures n i kept 6 phones i tink?? could hav toke them all....but i gd boy dowan 2 LOL
after playing went back to our dorm n lepak till it was time 4 quiet time which was at 8
the quiet time topic was abt king josiah found in 2 Chronicles 34:19-23
it explained abt his life...
he actually was king since he was jst 8 years old...
but the quiet time taught me something....is tat we r nvr too young 2 b used by God
king josiah was used by God when he was jst 8 years old....he was the king of Jerusalem at 8 which i tink i couldn't hav done....imagine u leading a country at the age of 8
after the quiet time was wht else??? BREAKFAST!!!!
wht was breakfast again....i 4got LOL
oh ya sandwich....i look at the pic den only i rmb :P
after breakfast we had a worship session....
the worship was great....we had the jumping spirit back in us all....yay!!! lol
after the worship was a quiz on the books of the bible...
wht they did was they make 1 whole paragraph....n in the paragraph we hav 2 find the names of the books of the bible....
the funniest 1 was
them at the worst - matthew
ok u guys wont understand like tis....try something else
them at the worst
haha....1 more examples???
honolulu keeping - luke
normal a chiper - malachi
from answer - romans
yea it WAS quite difficult
after tat we had a team building games....it was REALLY funny
every team had 2 seat in a box....well the box is actually like a badminton box....a rectangle n in the middle there is a line....so he forms 2 boxes
so each team seat in 1 of the boxes la
den we are given a few newspapers.....we were given 3 minutes 2 fold as many paper snow balls as we can n u guess it....newspaper snow ball fight!!!
objective - get as many newspaper balls as u can to ur enemy's box
it was chaos!!!! newspaper balls were flying everywhere!!!
the funny part was the way how i played it
i sat behind....facing away frm the enemy's box....so i was facing toward my box....alar wtv la :D
so i just kept sweeping all the newspapers away like orang giler only
den joseph so smart run 2 our side n toss a whole lot of newspapers at us
well the rule was not 2 cross the middle line n yes....joseph broke the rule n while we were complaining abt it more newpapers came 2 us
after the 1st round....2 teams were disqualified 4 donno wht reason
den 2nd round....CHIEN SU ANN!!!! WHT ON EARTH WERE U TINKING?!?!?!?!
dam funny la....u wht she ask us 2 do??
fold a paper aeroplane...n toss it 2 the opponent's box....boy was it SOOOO quiet...
every1 didn't enjoy the game....so she chg it
tis time...find pages frm 1 - 30 to form a book....boy was it hard
after tht we had a break 4 20 minutes....we played football inside the church :P
session 2 was held by ps. hock huat....obviously i almost slept thru it....hehe
after tht was lunch....lunch was chicken or fish rice LOL
yucky yuck....i didn't really like the food....i can tell it was SOOO not fresh
so i ate early n i hang out wit joseph , lawrence n adrien
den su ann suddenly called me 2 the worship hall there....u noe wht she ask me 2 do?? play drums!!!! y?? cse paul went 2 college
at 1st la i dam nervous....cse suddenly only call me 2 play
we played "I love you Jesus"
yep it's a children church song which means only 1 thing - actions
walau dam loud wei the bass n the electric guitar....i couldn't even hear a single thing wht su ann was singing....even she use mike also can hardly hear her
but kenneth was the worship leader....at tht point i was calm la....den he make me nervous again....he introduce every1 2 me n ask them cheer me abit ahh
den i said 2 kenneth "u 1 2 make me more nervous ah??" but i bet he didn't hear it anyway :P
it was seriously dam funny la the way kenneth to the actions
you're suppose 2 slowly go down when u sing
"let's talk abt deep , deep.....down , down.....deep down in my heart"
so wht he did was he shake his butt while he was going down....some more i was behind him some more!!! i was laughing like mad only wweeiii
den after tat got another worship session....tis time it was christopher playing the drums
he play drums ah....must stick his tongue out 1....
den he played the song ah.....he tried act pro n ended up wit so many mistakes
i guess tat's the reason y kenneth ended the worship session so fast LOLOL
after tat was
we had 2 get our blind fold....but actually leaders didn't hav to wear....
wht the leaders had 2 do is lead ur whole group blind folded around the church....outside church not inside :P
the leaders hav 2 direct their blind folded team members around n touch a certain object la....i was shouting....no screaming my voice out
i hav pictures during the game cse i asked kar kien 2 take photos 4 me
dam funny la the places we had 2 go....
1st - a tree
2nd - a cabin
3rd - a light stand
4th - a sign board
5th - a fire hydrant
6th - another fire hydrant
7th - a flag pole
8th - the water in the mini fountain
seriously dam lame la....touch the water in the mini fountain.....wht on earth man!!!
got alot of problems la touching the flag pole....cse it's located a bunch of tree branches....so i ask my team member 2 squat down....den they squat n nvr move....den every1 stared at us n laugh....i also laugh looking at them squat out of nowhere
after tat we went inside n we played the newspaper game
the newspaper game is the 1 u poss the paper behind of u in front of u.....den walk over it....and continue....if u guys dont get it....no worries i hav 2 idea wht i'm typing also :P
after the games....we went 2 shower again
tis time we shower at a hse they call the "tung ling hse"
cse my church has some ministry called 'Tung Ling.....i myself hav no idea wht on earth tht is :P
den irwing wanted 2 take bath la....den joseph came n he some how opened the bathroom door....den he dowan 2 shower la....den every1 shouting at him 2 faster shower cse got like 9 ppl waiting 4 him
the hse was located in front of a playground....so after showering we went there lor...
the play ground there got 1 VERY VERY VERY steep hill
den me n nick try run up tht slope donno hw many times n evensurely he got up there 1st....
me on the other hand run all the way up....but i needed nick 2 pull me up cse there wasn't any grip on the hill
a minute after we both got up there....we stared at each other n said together
"how r we gonna get down?"
it was a panicked yet funny moment....cse we couldn't run down jst like tat cse like i said b4....the hill was SOOOO steep
but we did manage 2 get down though :P
dinner was yummy yum yum LOL
den we had ANOTHER worship session....n yes....jump jump jump :P
we love jumping don't we FGTians??? especially when we r jumping 4 God xD
session 4 was held by ps woo...hu came all the way frm seremban 2 preach
after tat....WE HAD ANOTHER MOVIE!!!!
the movie was very touching.....n it was alot more better den ytd's 1
cse tis 1 was more understandable....n also he had more funny parts 2 prevent u frm sleeping :P
so like ytd....every1 flooded the front seats
well tis movie told me n reminded me abt tis verse in the bible tat says tat ntg is possible in God....the movie was called Facing the Giants anyway :D
the movie was abt a football team which hav been losing 4 the past 6 or 4 years.....n the coach chg the philosophy on the way they play their game
cse all tis while....they hav been playing 4 money n fame.....n the coach told them 2 play it 4 God....n giv him the glory whether they lose or win
so they won a few matches n played wit a strong team which at 3 times the size of their team
but they won at the end and it was quite touching...
funny parts were when the coach n the wife...they hav been trying 2 get children la....den when the doctor say cannot giv birth....den samuel go say
"ah baby....i tried so hard but i just couldn't do it" LOLOL
some more tat guy cell ldr!!! wth man!!
den the coach n the wife like 1 2 kiss....sean go make the kissing sound
den the place where i seating rite....dam not strategic at all....cse i on the floor mah....den when i 1 2 seat up straight tat time....got 4 legs rdy 2 kik my head cse i seating near the chairs.....
den i keep trying 2 steal vanessa's pillow :P
den after so many times managed to n i gav the pillow 2 share wit nick....a minute later cse nick not paying attention she toke it back
after a minute AGAIN.....i snatch it back :P
by the time the movie ended it was already 11.30 so immediately after tat....celebrate the last nite of bible blast
u noe us FGTians like 2 stay up late when it's the last nite of a camp
so i stayed up till 2.30 a.m :P
1st we chase jeremy every where....well not us....it's samuel , joseph , danial n a few other ppl
walau tht jeremy scream like a girl man...I MEAN REALLY LIKE A GIRL!!!
y he scream?? cse samuel n gang was squeezing him n pinching his things LOL
i mean up there not down :P
den i heard la....got 6 ppl jump on jeremy...u noe like american football like tat....every1 jump 2 1 person....
so 6 ppl jump on jeremy den a balloon burst LOLOL
den we all so bored....den we played donno how many childish games like chi ku pak , pepsi cola n the slapping game
got 2 slapping game la...1 is the u 1 2 juice n if u win u wack the guy la
the other 1 is the dodging 1....if u miss den it's the opponent's turn 2 hit.....
but i dam hate tis game la....everytime i play 1 time wit 1 person.....den all the ppl watching me play dowan play wit me
1 time i fight wit aidan ah....i wack him 1 time he giv up edi....den i ask other ppl hu 1 2 fight....all dowan 2 play 1....zzzz
tis time leh....i wack i tink it's joel benjamin.....donno la i 4got :P
all i rmb was....he wacked me 5 times....i wack him 2 times den he giv up....hehehe
den a few guys also play timbang....
u noe the 1 where u bounce the football ball on ur legs n make sure the ball dont drop
i recorded the whole thing but too bad i hav no idea hw 2 veiw it on com
den also when it's the last nite....we all seat in a circle n tell wht we suppose 2 do la....
like tis time it was ur scariest or funniest moments....
den when christopher's turn rite....dam funny sia....he suppose 2 tell a lame joke la...
den when he said "once upon a time"
den joseph started the laugh n every1 follow
den he said again "once upon a time"
den he laugh again
it's like everytime christopher says something....every1 tends 2 laugh
den he got tis lame joke la
"ringer ring ring green green something something" ( in a weird voice )
every1 laugh la...not cse the joke was funny....it's cse no1 also understand the joke LOL
den halfway every1 laughing....sean ask 2 quiet....den every1 look at him n he did the "lame" sign....u noe wat i mean :P
after tat every1 voted christopher the king of lame LOL
den got nothing else to do...so every1 went 2 sleep la
but not so fast obviously.....we all talk talk talk talk talk till 1 a.m n surprisingly abel nvr scold us....well tat's cse he stayed up wit kenneth till 2 a.m LOL
so me , nick , jeremy n sean chg place sleep in the middle cse colder mah....but BAD MISTAKE....now i still hav a flu n a bad nose block :P
so 4 us chat chat till 1.30 like tat....n nick went 2 sleep so jeremy sean n i continue talking....i didn't like the topic we were talking abt AT ALL!!!!
after all tis years....well actually 2 years :P
i taught jeremy was such a holy person....den suddenly on tis particular nite ah.....talk all the perv stuff.....i was like
"jeremy tan!!! i taught u so holy 1 after all tis years!!"
at 2 a.m.....sean slept also
sean n nick sleep nxt 2 each other mah....den when i see them rite.....they look dam cute together wei....i even toke a few pictures of them together :P
they look like brothers only....well they r brothers in Christ so they r counted brothers LOL
actually wanted 2 sleep 1....but jeremy la...got laugh so loud wake me up
i looked at his sleeping bag but he was not there....so i search the room 2 find him talking wit ryan , lawrence , joel n irwing
so i also joined them
guess wat their topic was abt??? scary stories
den ryan got tons n tons of stories sial.....donno how many stories he told
den jeremy was like dam freak out....den the door suddenly opened n i tink he wanted 2 scream LOL
tat's all 4 today
n as tigger says
titi ah fan....tata 4 now :P

wht!!!! y so dark 1!!!! but sure u can see some1's butt over there.....
if u cant see tat i'll call u blind :P
ok woke up at 6....nick ur gonna get it!!! y??? cse i ask him 2 wake me up but he didnt...
actually i also woke up together wit him...cse he kik me at my stomach...yes ouch!!!!
den u noe wht i did??? i pretended 2 sleep n wait till he wake me up...which didn't happened
oh ya the reason y we woke up tht early cse we wanted 2 go football n some ppl bball
yes my church has a bball court....isn't FGT the best church ever?? :D
i didn't play course my leg still hurt since i got trip over 3 times ytd!!!! so i toke some pictures n i kept 6 phones i tink?? could hav toke them all....but i gd boy dowan 2 LOL
after playing went back to our dorm n lepak till it was time 4 quiet time which was at 8
the quiet time topic was abt king josiah found in 2 Chronicles 34:19-23
it explained abt his life...
he actually was king since he was jst 8 years old...
but the quiet time taught me something....is tat we r nvr too young 2 b used by God
king josiah was used by God when he was jst 8 years old....he was the king of Jerusalem at 8 which i tink i couldn't hav done....imagine u leading a country at the age of 8
after the quiet time was wht else??? BREAKFAST!!!!
wht was breakfast again....i 4got LOL
oh ya sandwich....i look at the pic den only i rmb :P
after breakfast we had a worship session....
the worship was great....we had the jumping spirit back in us all....yay!!! lol
after the worship was a quiz on the books of the bible...
wht they did was they make 1 whole paragraph....n in the paragraph we hav 2 find the names of the books of the bible....
the funniest 1 was
them at the worst - matthew
ok u guys wont understand like tis....try something else
them at the worst
haha....1 more examples???
honolulu keeping - luke
normal a chiper - malachi
from answer - romans
yea it WAS quite difficult
after tat we had a team building games....it was REALLY funny
every team had 2 seat in a box....well the box is actually like a badminton box....a rectangle n in the middle there is a line....so he forms 2 boxes
so each team seat in 1 of the boxes la
den we are given a few newspapers.....we were given 3 minutes 2 fold as many paper snow balls as we can n u guess it....newspaper snow ball fight!!!
objective - get as many newspaper balls as u can to ur enemy's box
it was chaos!!!! newspaper balls were flying everywhere!!!
the funny part was the way how i played it
i sat behind....facing away frm the enemy's box....so i was facing toward my box....alar wtv la :D
so i just kept sweeping all the newspapers away like orang giler only
den joseph so smart run 2 our side n toss a whole lot of newspapers at us
well the rule was not 2 cross the middle line n yes....joseph broke the rule n while we were complaining abt it more newpapers came 2 us
after the 1st round....2 teams were disqualified 4 donno wht reason
den 2nd round....CHIEN SU ANN!!!! WHT ON EARTH WERE U TINKING?!?!?!?!
dam funny la....u wht she ask us 2 do??
fold a paper aeroplane...n toss it 2 the opponent's box....boy was it SOOOO quiet...
every1 didn't enjoy the game....so she chg it
tis time...find pages frm 1 - 30 to form a book....boy was it hard
after tht we had a break 4 20 minutes....we played football inside the church :P
session 2 was held by ps. hock huat....obviously i almost slept thru it....hehe
after tht was lunch....lunch was chicken or fish rice LOL
yucky yuck....i didn't really like the food....i can tell it was SOOO not fresh
so i ate early n i hang out wit joseph , lawrence n adrien
den su ann suddenly called me 2 the worship hall there....u noe wht she ask me 2 do?? play drums!!!! y?? cse paul went 2 college
at 1st la i dam nervous....cse suddenly only call me 2 play
we played "I love you Jesus"
yep it's a children church song which means only 1 thing - actions
walau dam loud wei the bass n the electric guitar....i couldn't even hear a single thing wht su ann was singing....even she use mike also can hardly hear her
but kenneth was the worship leader....at tht point i was calm la....den he make me nervous again....he introduce every1 2 me n ask them cheer me abit ahh
den i said 2 kenneth "u 1 2 make me more nervous ah??" but i bet he didn't hear it anyway :P
it was seriously dam funny la the way kenneth to the actions
you're suppose 2 slowly go down when u sing
"let's talk abt deep , deep.....down , down.....deep down in my heart"
so wht he did was he shake his butt while he was going down....some more i was behind him some more!!! i was laughing like mad only wweeiii
den after tat got another worship session....tis time it was christopher playing the drums
he play drums ah....must stick his tongue out 1....
den he played the song ah.....he tried act pro n ended up wit so many mistakes
i guess tat's the reason y kenneth ended the worship session so fast LOLOL
after tat was
we had 2 get our blind fold....but actually leaders didn't hav to wear....
wht the leaders had 2 do is lead ur whole group blind folded around the church....outside church not inside :P
the leaders hav 2 direct their blind folded team members around n touch a certain object la....i was shouting....no screaming my voice out
i hav pictures during the game cse i asked kar kien 2 take photos 4 me
dam funny la the places we had 2 go....
1st - a tree
2nd - a cabin
3rd - a light stand
4th - a sign board
5th - a fire hydrant
6th - another fire hydrant
7th - a flag pole
8th - the water in the mini fountain
seriously dam lame la....touch the water in the mini fountain.....wht on earth man!!!
got alot of problems la touching the flag pole....cse it's located a bunch of tree branches....so i ask my team member 2 squat down....den they squat n nvr move....den every1 stared at us n laugh....i also laugh looking at them squat out of nowhere
after tat we went inside n we played the newspaper game
the newspaper game is the 1 u poss the paper behind of u in front of u.....den walk over it....and continue....if u guys dont get it....no worries i hav 2 idea wht i'm typing also :P
after the games....we went 2 shower again
tis time we shower at a hse they call the "tung ling hse"
cse my church has some ministry called 'Tung Ling.....i myself hav no idea wht on earth tht is :P
den irwing wanted 2 take bath la....den joseph came n he some how opened the bathroom door....den he dowan 2 shower la....den every1 shouting at him 2 faster shower cse got like 9 ppl waiting 4 him
the hse was located in front of a playground....so after showering we went there lor...
the play ground there got 1 VERY VERY VERY steep hill
den me n nick try run up tht slope donno hw many times n evensurely he got up there 1st....
me on the other hand run all the way up....but i needed nick 2 pull me up cse there wasn't any grip on the hill
a minute after we both got up there....we stared at each other n said together
"how r we gonna get down?"
it was a panicked yet funny moment....cse we couldn't run down jst like tat cse like i said b4....the hill was SOOOO steep
but we did manage 2 get down though :P
dinner was yummy yum yum LOL
den we had ANOTHER worship session....n yes....jump jump jump :P
we love jumping don't we FGTians??? especially when we r jumping 4 God xD
session 4 was held by ps woo...hu came all the way frm seremban 2 preach
after tat....WE HAD ANOTHER MOVIE!!!!
the movie was very touching.....n it was alot more better den ytd's 1
cse tis 1 was more understandable....n also he had more funny parts 2 prevent u frm sleeping :P
so like ytd....every1 flooded the front seats
well tis movie told me n reminded me abt tis verse in the bible tat says tat ntg is possible in God....the movie was called Facing the Giants anyway :D
the movie was abt a football team which hav been losing 4 the past 6 or 4 years.....n the coach chg the philosophy on the way they play their game
cse all tis while....they hav been playing 4 money n fame.....n the coach told them 2 play it 4 God....n giv him the glory whether they lose or win
so they won a few matches n played wit a strong team which at 3 times the size of their team
but they won at the end and it was quite touching...
funny parts were when the coach n the wife...they hav been trying 2 get children la....den when the doctor say cannot giv birth....den samuel go say
"ah baby....i tried so hard but i just couldn't do it" LOLOL
some more tat guy cell ldr!!! wth man!!
den the coach n the wife like 1 2 kiss....sean go make the kissing sound
den the place where i seating rite....dam not strategic at all....cse i on the floor mah....den when i 1 2 seat up straight tat time....got 4 legs rdy 2 kik my head cse i seating near the chairs.....
den i keep trying 2 steal vanessa's pillow :P
den after so many times managed to n i gav the pillow 2 share wit nick....a minute later cse nick not paying attention she toke it back
after a minute AGAIN.....i snatch it back :P
by the time the movie ended it was already 11.30 so immediately after tat....celebrate the last nite of bible blast
u noe us FGTians like 2 stay up late when it's the last nite of a camp
so i stayed up till 2.30 a.m :P
1st we chase jeremy every where....well not us....it's samuel , joseph , danial n a few other ppl
walau tht jeremy scream like a girl man...I MEAN REALLY LIKE A GIRL!!!
y he scream?? cse samuel n gang was squeezing him n pinching his things LOL
i mean up there not down :P
den i heard la....got 6 ppl jump on jeremy...u noe like american football like tat....every1 jump 2 1 person....
so 6 ppl jump on jeremy den a balloon burst LOLOL
den we all so bored....den we played donno how many childish games like chi ku pak , pepsi cola n the slapping game
got 2 slapping game la...1 is the u 1 2 juice n if u win u wack the guy la
the other 1 is the dodging 1....if u miss den it's the opponent's turn 2 hit.....
but i dam hate tis game la....everytime i play 1 time wit 1 person.....den all the ppl watching me play dowan play wit me
1 time i fight wit aidan ah....i wack him 1 time he giv up edi....den i ask other ppl hu 1 2 fight....all dowan 2 play 1....zzzz
tis time leh....i wack i tink it's joel benjamin.....donno la i 4got :P
all i rmb was....he wacked me 5 times....i wack him 2 times den he giv up....hehehe
den a few guys also play timbang....
u noe the 1 where u bounce the football ball on ur legs n make sure the ball dont drop
i recorded the whole thing but too bad i hav no idea hw 2 veiw it on com
den also when it's the last nite....we all seat in a circle n tell wht we suppose 2 do la....
like tis time it was ur scariest or funniest moments....
den when christopher's turn rite....dam funny sia....he suppose 2 tell a lame joke la...
den when he said "once upon a time"
den joseph started the laugh n every1 follow
den he said again "once upon a time"
den he laugh again
it's like everytime christopher says something....every1 tends 2 laugh
den he got tis lame joke la
"ringer ring ring green green something something" ( in a weird voice )
every1 laugh la...not cse the joke was funny....it's cse no1 also understand the joke LOL
den halfway every1 laughing....sean ask 2 quiet....den every1 look at him n he did the "lame" sign....u noe wat i mean :P
after tat every1 voted christopher the king of lame LOL
den got nothing else to do...so every1 went 2 sleep la
but not so fast obviously.....we all talk talk talk talk talk till 1 a.m n surprisingly abel nvr scold us....well tat's cse he stayed up wit kenneth till 2 a.m LOL
so me , nick , jeremy n sean chg place sleep in the middle cse colder mah....but BAD MISTAKE....now i still hav a flu n a bad nose block :P
so 4 us chat chat till 1.30 like tat....n nick went 2 sleep so jeremy sean n i continue talking....i didn't like the topic we were talking abt AT ALL!!!!
after all tis years....well actually 2 years :P
i taught jeremy was such a holy person....den suddenly on tis particular nite ah.....talk all the perv stuff.....i was like
"jeremy tan!!! i taught u so holy 1 after all tis years!!"
at 2 a.m.....sean slept also
sean n nick sleep nxt 2 each other mah....den when i see them rite.....they look dam cute together wei....i even toke a few pictures of them together :P
they look like brothers only....well they r brothers in Christ so they r counted brothers LOL
actually wanted 2 sleep 1....but jeremy la...got laugh so loud wake me up
i looked at his sleeping bag but he was not there....so i search the room 2 find him talking wit ryan , lawrence , joel n irwing
so i also joined them
guess wat their topic was abt??? scary stories
den ryan got tons n tons of stories sial.....donno how many stories he told
den jeremy was like dam freak out....den the door suddenly opened n i tink he wanted 2 scream LOL
tat's all 4 today
n as tigger says
titi ah fan....tata 4 now :P
wht!!!! y so dark 1!!!! but sure u can see some1's butt over there.....
if u cant see tat i'll call u blind :P
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